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Kindergarten Stationery

Social & Emotional Learning (SEL)

Social Slate is a SEL program that I have conceptualized and created for young learners. This program lays a strong foundation to build social and emotional skills in children. Various life skills like handling disappointment, displaying self-control, showing compassion etc. are taught using stories, games and hands on activities, making it a fun and interactive program.

Social Slate aims at helping children to understand and express emotions, resolve social conflicts and develop self awareness. 


The idea for this program sprouted because of some recent researches showing that early social and emotional experiences shape the rest of a child’s life.


Over two decades of research work by CASEL shows that well developed emotional and social skills help children with cognitive development. So, SEL not only helps children succeed in school but simultaneously does the ground work for children to have rewarding personal and professional lives as adults. Thus, social slate is a step towards that direction!

Why is social and emotional learning important?

Education has undergone a tremendous change over the past years and educators and child development experts have changed their perception about the skills that make students successful in life and academics. These skills are the Social and Emotional skills!


Research has shown that social and emotional learning contributes to a healthy and positive educational environment and enhance academic achievements and scores. Schools can’t afford to teach only math, science and English for their students to become achievers. SEL is an essential component for them to become wholesome, responsible and successful adults. These skills are the important skills that will prepare children for tomorrow and help them become flourishing citizens of the future

Increased Academic Achievement

According to 2011 a meta-analysis of 213 studies involving more than 270,000 students, those who participated in evidence-based SEL programs showed an 11% point gain in academic achievement

Improved Behaviour

Studies show decreased dropout rates, school and classroom behavior issues, drug use, teen pregnancy, mental health problems and criminal behavior.

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Why should I use ‘Social Slate’ in my school/home?


Social and emotional learning (SEL) is critical to a child’s development and cannot be ignored, as it is an indispensable tool for success.


‘Social Slate’ combines SEL skills with academic development and provides high-quality learning experiences that empower students to be more efficacious in their classrooms today and in their workplaces and community tomorrow.

The program provides details to teach each skill explicitly just like one would teach math and English. Various opportunities are provided to practice and apply these skills in different situations. The lessons are thought provoking and brimming with engaging activities that would help children to become expressive, confident, caring individuals.

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