Make Sundays extra special for your children by sharing a fun story with them. Every Sunday, for the next four weeks, Totknots will present a story and various ideas to go along with it. They will be simple and easy to follow and will engage your children constructively.
So without further ado, lets start with today's story. The book is called 'The Big Mouthed Frog' by Keith Faulkner. It is a pop up book and has wonderful illustrations and a simple story line.
Please note that the story telling of this book is done along with my little one, so don't expect it to be perfect. The book is being read with my daughter, so that you get an idea on how to involve young children in reading. Reading books should be interactive and exciting for little children and if they are involved in the story, it makes reading a joyful experience for them.
After reading the story, we did a cute hand frog craft. Paint your child's hand with green paint and press it on paper upside down. Let them add a lily pad and paint water using blue paint.
We also sang a new frog song with our hand puppet. If you don't have a puppet, its ok. You can use the frog hand print craft you made. The song is a fun twist on the traditional song, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, once I caught a fish alive...".
We changed it to:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, once I caught a frog alive,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go?
Because it kissed me on my nose,
Frog kisses are quite wet,
But if you catch a frog, this is what you get
We learnt in the book, that a frog has a sticky tongue, so we played a fun game to reinforce this concept. We used party blowers and added a velcro to its tip. We took out our plastic insect toys and attached velcro to it too. Then the fun began. The little one blew her party blower and tried to catch the insects. It was tough but fun, nonetheless.
We wrapped up the session by watching this adorable song from jbary.